Oakenshield - Wen Heath

Will Speak Of A Lord Among Earls
Baron Of Barons, Athestan King
My Kinsmen And I Fought By This side;
Bestower Of Ring, In Battle Famed
We Vowed Our Services To Stand,
Whem From The North His Enemy
To Defend His Ancient Land

Hewed The LindeWood, Hacked Battle Shield
Sons With Hammered Brands
A Greatness Bestowed From Their Fathers Before
Struck For Their Hoards And Their Hearths And Their Homes

There Lay Many A Man Marred By The Javelin,
Men Of The Northland Shot Over Shield
There Was The Scotman Weary Of War
Struck For Their Hoards And Their Hearths And Their Homes
Turned The Invader For Country And Throne!

Northman And Saxon, Side By Side
The Day To Fall Or Prevail
Fate Of These Lands, Now To Decide
To Be Told Of In Songs And Spear
Fiercely We Fougth, Nevre To Yield
All Men Saw The Earl Die On That Day
The Scotsmen Fled The Field

Come The Light Of Dawn
Clatter Of Mail Heralds One More
As I Had Foreseen, The Day I Would Rue
As My Brother Lay Slain On The Floor

Five Young Kings Slept By Sword
Numberless Men Fell Dead
Grimly, With Steel Sharp From The Stone
All Were Slain Who Fled