Oakenshield - Vigrid

Fimbulvetr now has come
None are spared through winters three
Age of Sun is gone..
Come now forth unto the end
Long have we prepared our swords
For this final day

Brothers will fight
bringing death to each other
Sons of sisters
will split their kin bonds..
Age of axes, age of swords,
shields split,
wind age, wolf age
until the world falls into ruin

No more the Sun.
No more the Moon.

Fatters shaken from the earth
Unleashing the deadly foes..

The ship of nails is come
Bane of gods unbound
Sons of Muspell ride behind
A sword as of the Sun

One hundred leagues in every path
The field of battle lies cold and still
Long foreseen the fate of all
Shall be unveiled on the final day

...And finally the mighty
Gjallarhorn resounds
With fear but strength the
fallenones go on towards the end...

Cometh now the final day
Fate awais us on the field
Glorious or fell
Come now forth unto the end
Long have we prepared our swords
For this final day

Absence of the mighty sword
Will be the bane of Frey
Slain by that which shines so bright
Hel's hound, great and fell
Challenges the bravest God
Together they fall

Thunder God and his old foe
Are each other's bane
And finally the ancient wolf
Swallows the Old Wise One..

Odin's son goes to fight with the wolf,
Vidar on the way
to the carrion beast;
he lets his sword
hew to the heart
of Hvedrung's son
Thus the father is avenged

The sun grows black,
the earth sinks into the sea
The bright stars
vanis from the heavens
Steam surges up
and the fire rages.
Heat reaches high
against heaven itself...